Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I have to tell you all how much I love our new family pictures. They were super long overdue, and Jana did an amazing job! You can all find her at WOW! I just sat and cried as I looked at them the first time. Ron found a site online that puts photos on canvas and made one 18"x40" for above our fireplace. It is amazing.
December is major birthday season for us. Troy turned 2 on the 13th. We ate at Mc D's and let him play in the thing for the first time ever. I know, I think it's gross, too, but we bathed him in hand sanitizer afterwards. Ron turned 41 on the 22nd. Karli is so disappointed that her parents are getting sooooo old. We all went to Chuck E Cheese to play games. You are right. We are easily entertained and don't get out much. Ron loves angelfood cake, so his candles couldn't be bunched up in the middle. Only my cake set off the smoke detector this year. Luke's birthday came on the 27th. He turned 8, so he got to be baptized on that day, too. By then we were all caked out, so he was fine to not have one. We played all day, saw all the grandparents, and had fun.
The highlight of the season for me is hearing from so many loved ones who are far and near. Thank you for the cards, notes, photos. Karli has written one for me to send, so that is next on my list... oh, after a phone call I almost forgot. Have a very happy new year!
Friday, December 12, 2008

I finally asked someone to Winter Formal. His name's Nathan Holt. I've known him since I was 10 from doing gymnstics with him and his younger sisters. I'm glad I can go with him so it won't get awkward or anything. It's ridiculous how much effort some girls put into this thing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
No sleep
Monday, November 3, 2008
Twilight Info...!

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy November!!!
Our family had a pretty good Halloween. I went to a lame party but 2 of my good friends were there and I dragged along a third, my friend Nathan, so it wasn't too bad. We played catch with the popcorn balls no one was eating and read Laffy Taffy jokes. Layton went out with his friends too and we also went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Here are out fabulous costumes...


good witch...awhhhh :)
I'm not really sure...maybe a cyborg...
Anyway, we had fun. I had AllState Jazz and Show Choir auditions yesterday. I'm sure I didn't make it. I should've put more effort into learning the music. Oh well...there's still next year :). Speaking of auditions, I didn't make the Christine thing. I'm not too bummed though. It was a lot of fun to do all the recording for it though. And at the end of this month, I'm in a musical theatre competition call NATS. That should be fun too.
And incase you haven't noticed, I added all the missing pix to the previous posts. Yay!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We're Back!!!
Speaking of which, Tressie Joely West was born September 18th, 8 lb 1oz, 21 in long. As you see from the pictures, she has lots of dark hair and we think she'll have blue eyes. We thought Troy would have a hard time, but he is the sweetest new big brother you've ever seen. He always wants to hold her and gives her random kisses on her head and sits and talks to her. It's very cute. He suddenly does seem to want bottles and pacifiers a lot though.

I recently found out about a really neat opportunity. The Phoenix Symphony is bringing in Franc

Anyway, we should be getting family pictures in the near future, which is why this blog looks all mismatched and everything. Sorry about that. :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008

This morning was the grand opening of Mike Naddour's new gym, USA Youth Fitness Center. Mike was Dad's coach when he was younger and I also used to go to his gym so he's an old family friend. While we were there, we saw lots of old friends, coaches, and teamates. Dad couldn't help showing off a little... This is him on the pommel horse.
and here he is with old gym friends...
Jason Gatson (far left)- 2004 Olympic silver medalist
Mike Naddour (4th from left)
Jason Brown (black shirt, middle)
Ron (striped shirt, middle)
Eric Sulkey (white shirt, kneeling)- Steve Carrel's stunt-man in Get Smart
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Fourth!
Wednesday 7.2: Some friends and I went tubing at the river while Mom took the boys swimming at Granny's. I didn't even get the slightest bit burnt... not even a tiny little tan! What's up with that? We had a pool party for mutual and ate icecream and lemon bars and brownies. it was awesome!
Thursday 7.3: We decided to go up to the Layton cabin up in Pinetop for the 4th. We were packing all day and we were finally ready to leave at 9 pm. Mom and Dad decided it would be best to just leave friday morning.
Friday 7.4: We all woke up at 4:30 to leave. Unfortunately, we didn't leave until 6:15 and the parade in ShowLow started at 9. We stopped at McDonald's in Payson for breakfast and we've never seen it so crowded! In the next little while, both Luke and Jace got car sick. 2 in 1 trip!!! that never happens to us. Both times we had to stop and the same trailer kept passing us. Thanks to Dad's mad driving skills :) we made it just in time for the parade and found spots by David and Kathy Palmer's family. It was very cute when Troy discovered why all the kids kept running out into the street after the floats. Soon he was running out with them, so proud of his loot of dumdums and now-and-laters. Finally, we made our way to the cabin, where most of us took long naps during the afternoon rainstorms. 70 stinkin degrees outside! That night we went down to Pinedale for dinner where Dad's brother, Scott, lives with his family. We drove back to ShowLow with them for fireworks that night.
Saturday 7.5: Layton, Jace, Luke, and I played Monopoly all morning while Mom and Dad made a trip to Safeway. That afternoon we had a huge hail storm, afterwhich, Dad took me, Layton, Jace and Luke fishing at Silver Creek. We didn't catch any fish, but we did catch about 20 crawdads. Mom took Troy for a walk around Woodland Lake while we were gone and had dinner waiting for us when we got back.
Sunday 7.6: Dad, Layton, Luke and I attended the 9 am ward (Mom stayed home with Jace and Troy because both had been sick all night). We saw many friends: the Fish family from our old ward (Andrea Gunnel's uncle), Dad's dad's cousin-Norman West, Dad's cousin-Mindy Noble and her girls... That night we walked over to the Palmer and Farnsworth cabins and visited and played with family.
Monday 7.7: We cleaned the cabin and were on our way by 10:45. We made it safely home in just under 3 hours and can't wait to be back for reunions in a couple weeks. We miss the weather, the 70 degree temperatures, and the rain.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I leave for summer school PE every morning at 7 and I get home at noon.
Jace helps with the karate classes every morning over at Field Elementary and just finished summer band; he started trumpet and is loving it.
Layton takes Luke over to Poston in the mornings and watches him dive for the dive team. Luke likes it, but is always changing his mind about whether he would want to do swim team instead.
Mom goes to work over at the medical billing office in the mornings, usually from 10:30 -2ish. Most of the time she takes Troy with her.
For the past 3 weeks, I've had musical practice in the evenings from 3-6 for Disney's Aida. The story line is similar to Romeo and Juliet and the music is by Elton John. Performances start this week at Legacy School. Tickets are $12 at the door. Come if you can; it's going to be amazing!
This week, Dad and Layton leave for Scout camp up at our Huber family cabin in Heber. Dad also recently got called to the High Council in our stake. He's a little overwhelmed with all the responsibilities (Primary, Scouting, etc...), but we know he's got it covered.
Well, there's the first post. Hopefully I can keep it running!