Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yes, really. This is what it looks like at the West house.

If I was to add sound, it wouldn't be pretty. Coughing. Wheezing. Crying. Complaining.
Who can blame him, really?

Poor guy, he was diagnosed in the ER in the middle of the night last week. We went late to the new Cardon's Center at Banner Desert. It was busy, with a really great staff. He received 3 breathing treatments and then had a chest x-ray from a portable machine that was disguised as a firetruck. While there, my 3 year old enjoyed control of the clicker, new crayons and coloring book, and several middle of the night trips to the "Nourishment" room.

Since then, T has been on an antibiotic and breathing treatments.

Today, I think a down hill turn. No appetite, no joy, no patience...hmmm.

Tomorrow, back to the Dr.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hooray for K!

A few weeks ago, K came home from school and asked if I thought she should participate in the upcoming Az Junior Miss Scholarship Competition. I told her that in my opinion she was strong in each of the areas being judged, and if someone wanted to give her some money, and if she had the time... why not?

After only 3 weeks of practices, the competition was Saturday night. The girls were judged on academics, interview, poise, fitness, talent, etc. K borrowed a gorgeous dress and wore it when she sang an Italian opera. Even with laryngitis and bronchitis, it was beautiful. The amazing hair and bling from Sommer were the perfect touch. She even placed as a runner up in that category. For poise, she wore an amazing red dress that she had gotten for homecoming. We bought it long and strapless, with potential, and amazing Granny made it perfect. K was darling doing the fitness routine, and like I thought originally, strong. From her dad, of course:)

In the end, K was named 2nd runner up, over all. We are thrilled. R surprised us, and got to be there to watch. He had driven to San Diego for a conference, but came home a whole day early and came straight to the theater. What an amazing dad thing to do.

K said the best part was becoming friends with so many great girls, and the money is not so bad, either.

We are so proud of our pumpkin head!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Growing up, several times a year, Midnight Magic would happen at my house. I would go to bed, unsuspecting, and in the morning, an amazing project would have been started and finished. Easter morning, my sisters and I would wake up to new dresses where there had only been a neatly folded stack of fabric and notions the night before. On the day of our Valentine parties, we would awaken to dozens and dozens of pink heart cookies lining the counter. Each one carefully frosted and inscribed with the name of one of our classmates. Amazing.

Last week, while the Greens were here for the wedding, our home became wedding cake central. My job was to assist with whatever Em needed to make it. Orange fondant, rice crispy layers and all. It turned our beautifully!

As inspiring as creation can be, I never thought that L would be the one to hatch a plan for the next cake.

Today is the birthday of the percussion section leader. He plays the quints when they march and is a nice guy. So, why not make a cake... in the middle of the night? Anyone can do this, right?

Nice job, L! It was fun to work Midnight Magic with you!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Notable February Happening #2

When I was 17, I did CPR on my 1 year old little brother. Yesterday, he got married. It was wonderful!

Notable February Happening #1

Not great news for us, but T realized with little to no effort she can reach new heights. She is thrilled with her new skill!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Over a week ago, I broke the oven door. I bumped the handle with a cookie sheet and the entire front shattered. Then, the fallen, broken pieces continued to jump and pop all over the floor until there was no piece left larger than a pea. It was a sight to behold!

Since then, I have not been able to use the oven and continue to wait for a new door.

In the meantime, we have use the crockpot many times and the stove top the rest of the times. I am getting tired of both and feeling very repetitive in our meals.

Today, I saw a recipe for cookies made in this...

...and they turned our great! They were fresh and hot as the babes arrived home from school.

Then I started thinking, did a little online research and discovered that people cook many things in their waffle irons. Who knew? So, with our delicious vegetables and sausage gravy for dinner, we had...

waffle iron biscuits! Cute and delicious! They were a hit! Try it and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I keep finding the camera in a different place than where I left it. Yes, most things in my house are that way. Everything has legs, but the camera has just recently sprouted them. Today, when I found the camera, I also found these...

I love them! This is J practicing in the backyard, yesterday. He could play as loud and long as he wanted, and no one even asked him to stop. I am so glad someone grabbed the camera!

When I found this evidence, I could see that it was our 3 year old photographer once, again. Not bad!

The camera has such cute stubby Cox toes on it's legs.