Thursday, June 24, 2010


We love this girl, but not her messes. She speeds through the house opening, undo-ing, dumping, and spreading. Sometimes she adds coloring and gouging to her agenda.
I was relieved, yesterday, when T picked up her doll and bear, apparently deciding she was finished helping me shred.A couple of minutes later, I called to K in the other room to see if T was ok in with her. She informed me that T had toddled through, but not stopped. K jumped up to find T and then let out a shriek of agony.

The doll and bear lay abandoned...
For this...After the scrub down, we noticed how perfectly her eyelashes were coated in mascara. This girl certainly is thorough!


Jenn C. said...

I Love the last picture! She is adorable!!!

Shelley said...

Hilarious! We used to call my last girlie Messy Mairz. I called my mom one day at my wits end. While on the phone I counted all the things she had gotten out and left strewn down one hallway...a short hallway i might add. There were at least 30!!! She is still a "keeper" of many things but much better at the cleaning up bit. Your T is adorble! I hope I get to meet her someday.