Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

This is one of the places I found T, yesterday.

See all the ingredients she so carefully got out of that upper cupboard?
She even closed it, again.

All my other "chefs" were dumpers at this age.
Not T.

She had gotten out that stainless steel bowl and carefully measured each ingredient.
A teaspoon of this...
A teaspoon of that...

She made us a lovely "dinner".


Tucker said...

She is (with all due respect) freakin huge!!! What is she like 16 now? Geez...

larainydays said...

My kids used to get in my spice cupboard to make secret potions. She is darling.

Jana said...

She's a PRO!! You're so lucky to have such an excellent chef.