Thursday, December 17, 2009

Last night I did NOT sleep on the couch. This year of being transient has been rotten for training Tr to sleep. She is 15 months old tomorrow and has maybe slept through the night 5 times. GRRRR, but, I know it is my own doing. Lately, she wakes screaming and will only be consoled by me. After about the 3rd time before 1, I am so exhausted that I just take her onto the couch and let her sleep in my nest (the space at the opposite end from my head where she is walled in by my legs:) ) That way, I only have to exert minimal effort tending to her in the night. Bad parenting, I know. Learn from me and don't start this. It will only exacerbate the problem and give you dark circles under your eyes. So, last night, I put forth more effort and let her stay in her bed and fuss while I was nearby and it worked. She realized she was ok and fell back asleep and then I did, too, in my own bed:).

Hmmm... What else do I need to let my babes learn...

This morning, I made 5 lbs of mashed potatoes with gravy before breakfast for a luncheon at R's hospital. Now I will clean up the potatoes and breakfast and start Hawaiian haystacks for "maybe 20" seniors lunching here after their first 1/2 day of finals. When I get that cleaned up, it will be time to prepare beds for the Greens who just drove into New Mexico on their way here. They said they only have 30,000 of their 75,000 bottles of beer on the wall until they arrive tonight. HOORAY!!!


jen said...

That senior crowd is the best. Brad asked me why I do lunch for them, and I thought about it, then replied, "Because when they leave, it looks like they haven't been here at all." They take care of all their dishes, eat every last bite on the counter, then thank my profusely and leave. It's rewarding!
I'm having the sleeping issues as well. I know in my heart that I shouldn't let Eve sleep with me, but it's so much easier when you're tired. Gave in last night. Maybe this post will remind me of what's coming down the road if I can't stay strong!

Jana said...

WOW about all that cooking! Way to go...
And I want you to know that your nest idea was so helpful when you told me about it when Emma was younger! Once in awhile she still wants to be in my nest. I'll enjoy doing it with Blake too!!