Saturday, March 21, 2009

Karli, Karli, Karli...

Ok, so when I have time to blog, I never can remember how to get into this site. I guess it's not something my brain has thought important enough to remember, like for instance when it's time to buy ice cream. But, suddenly, when serious things happen, it's like the adrenalin kicks in and I suddenly feel the NEED to blog and the password is in front of my eyes...
I love when i read adorable child conversations in the blogging world. Well, I finally have one of my own to share...

Karli: hey mom, are my clothes dry, yet?
Me: not yet, but you could go put them in the dryers...
Karli: um...ok

30 minutes later I notice that the dryers are not running.

Me: Karli, did you put your clothes in the dryers?
Karli: (running to the laundry room) Um... no...which ones are the dryers?

OK, seriously, I promise her gpa is above a 4.0 and she is always really naturally good at everything, but wow! this left me speechless. could I really have neglected this simple lesson? I guess we really have alot of work to do before she thinks she is ready to leave for college. Yikes. These are even the basic washer loads in the top and dryers in the front. Wow.


Julz said...

No way! Send her to my house, there's plenty of laundry to practice on.

Jana said...

LOL! I'd think she'd be a laundry expert by now...are you really such a do-it-yourself mom??