Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day of school 2010

Today, I sent 3 of my 6 out the door to school.
Tomorrow, a 4th will start and then the 5th on August 30th.

Crazy schedule? Yes, I agree. I think it is only the beginning for this year. Here's the line-up:

1 in College: K is at BYU(not too big a pile, but we will take the rest in a couple of weeks!)

1 in High school: L, 11th grade
1 in Jr. high: J, 7th grade
1 in Elementary: L, 4th grade
1 in Pre-school: T, at the Amazing Miss Greta's (Academic Accolades)
1 still home :T, 22 mo.

That is all 6.

All in different stages.

All amazingly fun and interesting.

All hungry when they arrive home, so I'm off to make cookies!


jen said...

I know this feeling. It's hard but great. Hope she's loving Provo and can find a job!

Jana said...

Oh my goodness, all your kids in different places! That IS crazy!! I can't believe that you have a college daughter AND that T is already 22 months!!!

Karen said...

School doesn't start for another couple weeks in our area. But, this year I send off 2 of my 4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your encouraging words. I left a couple other comments on some of your earlier posts while I was here just now. Have a great day!

Shelley said...

I start back full time tomorrow but wont get my class of monkeys until next Tuesday here. Last year mine were spread out in all three school. This year should be easier with 2 in High School and 2 with me at the Elementary School. What fun to have them all at different fun stages. There's no slowing down for you anytime soon...thank goodness. :)